Here you can view all the lovely things people had to say about the featured whiskeys and also view pictures that they have submitted.

Quinn Saleeby
Quinn Saleeby
Sugar on the nose. Funk at the front of the pallet sweetness and spice on the finish
Quinn Saleeby
Quinn Saleeby
Brown sugar and proof! Delicious
Quinn Saleeby
Quinn Saleeby
Ok, I know this sounds weird, but on the nose I am getting fried chicken. I know that's not a thing, but still. Also, honey and brown sugar. Not as sweet on the palette
Quinn Saleeby
Quinn Saleeby
The nose is delicious! Better than the palette. Not one I would sip on a Tuesday, but very enjoyable.
Quinn Saleeby
Quinn Saleeby
Smells like a Urinal Cake, doesn't taste much better!