Here you can view all the lovely things people had to say about the featured whiskeys and also view pictures that they have submitted.

Nate Knuffman
Nate Knuffman
Smells and tastes like sawdust mixed with buttered popcorn.
Hallie Knuffman
Hallie Knuffman
Would be interested to taste this next to yesterday's. They seem similar to me, but I'm still a relative Scotch newb.
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Josh Light
Josh Light
I can't get much out of scotches, but getting peat (which i describe as saltwater) on the nose. Another light sipper that goes down easy. I just don't enjoy scotch, it seems to be a lot of the same with each bottle, but again I'm not a huge fan of scotch.
Scott Beckett
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 🪣
Stewed apples on the nose. Green apples on the palate, some cinnamon, some like dusty furniture polish. I wonder if this is Japanese…
Jim Brown
Jim Brown
What's that smell? My first guess was cat poo, but i can't quite place it forreals. Kinda fruity / nutty? The flavor doesn't hold up though and it just kinda tastes like scotch. It's ok I guess but doesn't hold a candle to the others we've had so far.
Teryn Glunz
Teryn Glunz
Pretty pleasant aroma - citrus and peat, but then I took a sip and, well, not so great. It kind of tastes like someone took a swig of scotch and then spat it back out before it got to me. So like, backwash. That's all I'm gonna say.
Derek Glunz
I get notes of saltwater and maple syrup on the nose. The flavor is watered down and boring. To quote PPP, this whiskey is "forgettable." I keep guessing other and regretting it, but here we go again...
Josh Mitchell
Full Body
This is interesting. Not in a good way.
Chris Reeves
Chris Reeves
This one is tough for me. I tend to dislike higher proofs, but the heat here is so unbalanced? I hardly get any on the nose, but it overwhelms on the taste. Prob gonna miss in the proof. Anyway, I get fruit and nuts, cedar, varnish.
John McDowell
Nose is caramel. Nice flavor and structure. Like a dessert scotch
Zach Bennett
Zach Bennett
Two scotches in a row?
Nick Stone
Nick Stone
More scotch. Yeah. Peat. Leather. Peanuts - maybe pecan. Sweet finish. Call if peanut brittle.
James Hatfield
So much vanilla. This is fantastic.
Christian Sito
Christian Sito
Loved this!
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Josh Light
Josh Light
Saltwater smell that reminds me of scotch. Pretty smooth, with a bit of smokiness. It’s okay, but I’m not much of a scotch drinker.
Curtis Mulder
Curtis Mulder
Very good. Very mellow. Caramel. Again - surprised at how much I'm enjoying these Scotches.
Curtis Mulder
Curtis Mulder
I must be getting old. I'm starting to like Scotch.
Curtis Mulder
Curtis Mulder
Allan Maule
Charming dram. Sweet and plummy, like it was aged in sherry barrels.
Ben Freeman
Smelled it...thought it would be a bourbon. Tasted I have trust issues. Really oily finish that just hangs on for dear life.
Erin Kraftchick
Mrs Hef
Nate Knuffman
Nate Knuffman
Tasty scotch. It's not a family favorite, but I'm enjoying it.
Hallie Knuffman
Hallie Knuffman
Meh. The aftertaste was a bit much for me. I tried. I really did. Can we please go back to yesterday?!
Kevin Guyer
Kevin Guyer
I like scotch. I really like scotch. Tasting this scotch made me sad. It's like learning that a corgi mauled an old lady, changing how you think of corgis and making you suspicious of them all from that point forward. I feel like I can't trust scotch now that I've tasted this travesty.